Saturday, May 07, 2011

The Mighty Thor

Of all the Marvel movies coming out this year, I truly believed Thor would be the one that got screwed up.  The trailers I saw truly didn't do the movie, or the star, justice.  I thought I was going to be watching a paramilitary movie that might have some Asgardian overtones.  I figured that we'd be lucky to see any godly powers and special effects.

Instead, the movie blew me away.  I absolutely loved every minute of it.  We were treated to true Norse lore mixed with all the Marvel Comics history (Stan Lee as well as the Ultimates' Thor).  The way the line was skirted on whether the Asgardians were gods or aliens jarred me a little, but I accepted it and went on.  It wasn't a big deal overall.

Chris Hemsworth stole the show as Thor.  I was rooting for him from the very first time he was introduced into the story.  Natalie Portman was amazing as Jane Foster, showing her intelligence as well as her femininity as she was captured by Thor.

The Mighty Thor was alway the brooding sort in the early comics, but in this movie he's a rip-roaring adventurer and a guy who loves to laugh.  This is the Thor I'd want to hang out with and swap stories with.

Tom Hiddleston was magnificent as Loki and revealed the God of Mischief's dual and twisted nature.  I alternately sympathized with him and hated him, understanding all the forces that tore at him.  Great character.

The Warriors Three and the Lady Sif were all well represented.  But the guy who completely stole the show was Idris Elba as Heimdall.  Man, this guy is spooky and eerie and noble all at the same time.  He played Roque in The Losers, a DC Comics property that came out last year, but I didn't even recognize him till I looked him up later.

If you've been hesitating about going to see this one, go fearlessly.  It's a fantastic movie with humorous moments, drama, and some soul-searing cliffhangers that will touch you in spite of your belief that everything will work out.

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