Sunday, December 23, 2012

Judge Earl Stark Is Back!

My buddy James Reasoner has a new Judge Earl Stark story out there!  If you haven't read the other books in the series, it doesn't matter.  This is a fine addition to the series and new readers can jump right in.
Big Earl rides again!

Earl Stark was once a fast-shooting stagecoach guard in Texas before taking up the study of law, becoming an attorney, and eventually being appointed a federal district court judge. Now he combines a keen legal mind with a frontiersman's gun-handy toughness to bring justice to the Old West.

One of New York Times bestselling author James Reasoner's most popular characters, Judge Earl Stark is back in a brand-new 27,000 word short novel full of action and mystery. THE SILVER ALIBI finds him dealing with feuding mine owners, bushwhackers, cold-blooded murder, and a wild ruckus that lands Judge Stark himself behind bars before he can nab a ruthless killer.

If you haven't met Big Earl yet, now's your chance!

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