Friday, April 11, 2014

The Gordian Knot -- $123 Away from Reality

I just backed a guy's film project at Kickstarter because that's what we do if we want to make sure ART is born into the world.  I don't know Latham Conger except through mention in J. A. Konrath's blog.

But I do know his desire to do something, to make something that will stand up and be enjoyed by viewers who borrow his dream to get into a world not their own for a little while.  Because that's what art does for us: opens doors into other places that we wouldn't get to on our own.

So I anted up $20 for a DVD of the finished product.  Conger has less than two days to make his dream a reality, to create a vehicle for other people to enjoy and escape to another place for a little while.  You can donate as little as a dollar.  If 123 of you do that, this artist has his dream come true.

A dollar's not much most of the time, but there are times when they're as magic as Jack's beans (you know, the ones he traded the family cow for).

If you'd like to help out, go here.

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