Gold Eagle/Silhouette/Harlequin Represents At Comic-Con 2007!
When I was at San Diego Con, I met an amazing group of people who worked the Gold Eagle/Harlequin/Silhouette booth. I was there to do an autograph session for them and ended up having so much fun that we blew past the first hour and continued into the second .
I'd gone to lunch with another editor from another book company . When I got back there was a line waiting at the booth. The editor I was with suggested that the people were waiting on me. I didn't believe that for a minute. But when I got up to the table, I saw that they were waiting on me. It was intimidating and exciting at the same time.
I flagged down Tony , the guy who was answering people's questions and told him who I was. He quickly put me to work behind the table. I signed over 200 books in those two hours . When the Harlequin people go to San Diego Con, they give away books like crazy. During that four-day convention, they gave away a thousand copies of Rogue Angel Forbidden City.
The new Rogue Angel book, God of Thunder is out now.
I don't know how many other books they gave away, but it had to be in the thousands. The Mack Bolan Executioner line was represented, as well as Silhouette's new Nocturne line. They were also giving away posters of the various products.
I got to meet Tim Bradstreet, the artist who does the Rogue Angel covers. Of course, a lot of people may recognize his work from the covers he does on The Punisher.
I even got to take a picture with Tim. And I got a signed Rogue Angel poster.
Another poster they were giving away showed the cover to the first book in the new run of Athena Force books. I got to help out with the design of the overall 12-book arc.
Rachel Caine (of the Weather Warden series) wrote the first novel, Line of Sight, that is out on shelves everywhere.
Her new Weather Warden book is out now.
Afterwards, the team took me to dinner at an Italian restaurant whose name I still can't pronounce or even come close to spelling. We had a blast.
Tony is an art director at Harlequin. We talked a lot about what goes into book cover composition and how models show up for shoots. I was promised that when I go to Toronto I could sit in on a session and watch a cover come to life.
Farah is in marketing and was my contact person during the whole convention.
Lindsey is Tony's wife and an educator (which is how she keeps Tony in line and trains him -- though when we were together we were waaaaayyyyy too much to handle and lingered most of the time somewhere around 12 years old. With inappropriate humor.).
Gold Eagle Books editor Feroze Mohammed bought my first novel. I've sold 50 or so to that company, and have always enjoyed doing business with them. They have some of the best people you could ever find working with them.
Thanks again, guys! You really made the convention a great experience!
Thanks again, guys! You really made the convention a great experience!
Now I'm kicking myself even more that I didn't go.. The free books alone would have made my day!
Other publishers were there giving books away. LOTS of books. You missed out. Truly.
BTW, your books are on your way to you. I even remembered to autograph them this time.
That picture with Tim cracks me up. Love the raised brow. I'm a huge Caine fan and after seeing how Harlequin treated their authors at RWA, I'm thinking they are one great publisher to work with. They gave out a lot of free books there as well.
Woohoo! Thanks! lol
And I will definitely be planning my summer vacation around the SanDiego Comic Con next year!
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