Thursday, July 28, 2011

Writing Seminar for the Public Library: FREE!!!!

On August 20, a Saturday -- so you won't have to look it up under calendar, I'll be part of a writing seminar hosted by the Pioneer Library system in Norman, Oklahoma.  Other speakers include New York Times bestseller William Bernhardt, novelist Rilla Askew, and songwriter/poet Nathan Brown.

Here's the press release:

William Bernhardt will be focusing on characterization and plotting techniques, discussing the importance of conflict, pacing and adding layers of conflict to enrich a story.  Mr. Bernhardt’s presentation will be from 9-11:30am at Mainsite Contemporary Art in downtown Norman.

Nathan Brown will present on “How to Build Infrastructure for Poetry and Song”, dealing with how to construct frames and framework that one can hang lyrics and stanzas on so that they make sense to the reader/listener.  In addition, he will touch on material generation and performance issues.  His presentation will be from 9-11:30am at the Performing Arts Studio in downtown Norman.

Rilla Askew will focusing on writing about place, with an emphasis on Oklahoma as a rich source for fiction and creative non-fiction.  Her presentation will be from 12:30-3:00pm at Mainsite Contemporary Art in downtown Norman.

Mel Odom’s presentation will discuss the potential of the e-book market, the emerging digital reader base, and walk the audience through the steps to put up an e-book on the Kindle and the Nook.  Marketing methods through social networking will be covered.  Mr. Odom’s presentation will be from 3:15-5:00pm at Mainsite Contemporary Art in downtown Norman.

Contact the Pioneer Library System for more info.

Anne Harris <>


Anonymous said...

Now I'm tempted to come to this. I'm actually working on trying to get a book on Kindle/Amazon for work.

Mel Odom said...

I'd be happy to teach you, kiddo. Been teaching a lot of others. The classes I'm teaching now ALL have to put up Kindle properties. It's the wave of the future and it's not going to go away.

Some of the kids have gotten jobs because of their knowledge of blogging and the Kindle.

hkhagan said...

That looks great! I think my mom and I will need to attend. Thanks!

Mel Odom said...

I look forward to meeting you. This is easy stuff.