Saturday, May 10, 2014

Omega Blue

Some of you have found this book, but I thought it would be worth mentioning again.  It's the first book of a two-book deal I'd done, but after reformatting this one for the ebook version and working on the second, I'm thinking of doing a third that I always wanted to.  Sometimes in this business you just don't get to write everything you want to.
Then the ebook market changed everything!
Set in the future a step past tomorrow, in a United States that's bleak and hard and crime runs rampant in the streets, there's only on team to call on. Omega Blue, the FBI's premiere hardcases take down crime too big or too dangerous for the average law enforcement agencies.

Tracking down a group of organ jackals dealing in the Red Market (organ harvesting), Slade Wilson goes head-to-head with an Asian gang sporting exo-skeletons and fighting to keep a secret agenda hidden from prying eyes. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, driven to succeed, Wilson and his team of specialists keep the pedal to the metal as they race toward doomsday.

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