Monday, January 17, 2011

New James Bond Book Title Released!

The title and cover for the new James Bond novel by Jeffrey Deaver just broke a few hours ago.  Notice the watermark on this image.  I got it from MI6.  Of course, this isn't the real British spy agency, but I thought it was cool just the same.

This isn't going to be the James Bond we've known for so many years.  This is going to be a new, younger Bond, a man who was blooded in recent wars and went on into spycraft.  It's going to release in May and you can pre-order now.

I'm seriously stoked and happy to see this coming.  Thankfully, news of a new James Bond movie getting inked just got released as well.

Thanks to Paul Bishop for the head's up.

More info at Carte Blanche.

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